Friday, June 15, 2012

Step 1: Paint

Well, today began bright and early. Now, 7 rooms later, 3 trips to the paint store, 8 rollers, and a new ceiling fan later, everything is pretty much done! I had a lot of help from family and friends today, and without them, this project would have taken sooooo much longer. Words can not describe how thankful and happy I am that all the painting is done (wellll... for the most part). We lost our light which forced my friend Abby and I to abandon the work in my bedroom... which was fine because I was on hour 11 of painting at that point. However, that is the sweaty pride of ownership! I am so excited that this journey is underway and so far the transformation is amazing! The stark cold walls have been warmed up everywhere. The kitchen, living room and dining room have all been warmed up with a light beige color. Sand Dollar from Sherwin Williams to be exact. The color is perfect and makes the place feel more like a home. Upstairs saw the most color change with the bathroom, closet and master bedroom. Having lived in an apartment for 3 years with whiter than white walls, this is a nice change of pace. Here are some pictures to show the progress... (im going on 13 hours of straight painting and standing so forgive me on the short post tonight). Master Bathroom (Aquaduct by Sherwin Willams) LOVE this color! Progress on the living room Closet done!! It's PINK! Master Bedroom Abby and Mel hard at work! I couldn't wait to pop some champange to celebrate the last two days.... .... but I had a hard time getting it open. I did get it thougn, eventually :) I arrived at my place around 9am and left close to 10pm. It was a long long day, but that champange, family and friends made it so amazing! Love to them all!!

Best Day Ever!!!

Well, today I offically became a homeowner!! I'm so excited! It has been a long journey to this point, especially with a horrid realtor, but the day has finally come... all the papers are signed, the t's are crossed, the i's are dotted and my bank account took a beating, but it's all done. I own this place baby! Today was an incredibly long day, and I got so many messages and texts of encouragment from my friends and family that made this day that much better. I was up early running around getting paint, returning items, packing boxes, etc that all of a sudden it was 1:00pm, or game time. It feels like the day went so fast! However, in an effort to keep all the boring details out, I am going to skip ahead and share some pics of my new place. I hope that you all enjoy the transformation that is about to come as much as I am. Tomorrow is PAINTING DAY! I like painting, but after about 10 min I am usually spent... and I have A LOT of painting to do. The pictures show you how much there is. Tomorrow will consist of beer, champagne, sloppy joe's, paint and music to get my friends and family through all the painting. So, come along on this journey with me, I hope you all enjoy it as much I will. View into the livingroom/dining room Kitchen Bedroom view from stairs Opposite view from bedroom Master bathroom Closet View from the stairs into living room Stairs

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New beginnings, New blog

Well, so much has happened in the last 5 months that I've decided that with all these new beginnings and changes, I might as well have a new blog. So here we go....... I bought my own place! I'm so excited that I can hardly wait to move! Tomorrow is the big day and I'm so pumped to document the transformation my place is about to undergo. I found a hidden gem that hasn't been touch by a decorator or owners anything, so I have a blank canvas :-) Currently I'm living with boxes.... Tomorrow can't come soon enough!! Stay tuned for more to come!